Data Models
The logical data model shows a high-level business view of the data. It shows the actual tables and views that contain the information in the Data Warehouse database and how they are related to each other. Business names are used instead of the physical table names, for example "Person History" instead of "T_PERS_HIST". The logical model is very useful for determining what data is available.
The physical data model shows the actual representation of the physical tables and views and relationships in the database. Instead of business names, the actual physical table names are used, for example "T_PERS_HIST" instead of "Person History". Because it shows the actual table names, the physical model is a key reference when writing queries directly against the database.
Some data elements available in the Data Warehouse and shown on the models may not be available through the Business Objects universes, but all are available via the Data Warehouse. Please contact us if you discover a data element listed in the data model that you would like to see added to the Business Objects universes.
Finance Data Models
Human Resources Data Models
Student Data Models
Other Data Models
How to Read a Data Model
For tips on how to interpret the information in Data Models, read our tutorial document, How to Read a Data Model.
How to Print a Data Model
The data models can be printed as full-scale plotter-sized or as multi-page versions. Instructions for printing data model can be found on the Printing Options page.