University of Illinois System


The Registration - Limited universe offers less detail than the Registration - Complete universe for general student information, registration eligibility information, and registration information for each student who has registration activity for a term. General student information includes: admission term, student level, college, major, attributes, etc. Registration eligibility information includes: student holds, registration groupings, etc. Registration information includes: registration activity such as, course registrations, withdrawals, drops, and attempts. Registration activity can be analyzed by student or by course.

Universe Guides

Find out how to use the Registration Limited universe to create reports:

Solution Library

The solution library contains step-by-step instructions on how to create commonly requested reports, including a report template to get you started. Examples of what you’ll find in the Solution Library:

Business Concepts & Usage Notes

The Business Concepts and Usage Notes section of the DS website contains a variety of additional information that will assist you in understanding EDW data and using EDW products. Examples of what you’ll find in Business Concepts and Usage Notes: