University of Illinois System

Faculty Tenure Track Information

List of faculty members and their tenure track information for a selected campus and college. This report is grouped by timesheet organization and sorted by name and Faculty Tenure Action Date.


EDW – HR Employee Administration

Data Rules Related to this Report

  • This report will include employees with a home department or timesheet organization matching the entered campus/college code. Looking at the report conditions, campus/college code is set up to match on employee campus/college code OR job detail campus/college code. A match on employee campus/college code will pull employees whose home department is in the specified unit. A match on job detail campus/college code identifies timesheet organization, pulling employees who have a job in the specified unit but who possibly have a different home department.
  • This report is grouped by employee timesheet organization code. An employee’s timesheet organization may be different than their home department. Therefore, your report may include organization codes outside of your home department.
  • Faculty Tenure Track Year is a derived data warehouse field and is not stored in Banner. To calculate Tenure Track Year, the number of years left to tenure is translated into a Tenure Track Year for those with a Tenure Code='P' (Tenure Review Date - Current Date).
  • The data in this report (and the EDW) is "as of" the previous day. Current day activity will not be included in this report.

