University of Illinois System

Employee Class (E-Class) Listing

List of current positions for a specific six digit org code on a specific campus. This report is broken out into three different tabs. The first tab lists all open positions for an org. It is sorted by employee name. The second tab is a list of all open positions. It is sorted by position number. The third tab is a list of all filled positions. It is sorted by employee name.


EDW - HR Position and Job Hierarchy

Data Rules Related to this Report

  • This report will include employees with a home department or timesheet organization matching the entered campus/college code. Looking at the report conditions, campus/college code is set-up to match on employee campus/college code OR job detail campus/college code. A match on employee campus/college code will pull employees whose home department is in the specified unit. A match on job detail campus/college code identifies timesheet organization, pulling employees who have a job in the specified unit but have a different home department.
  • This report includes all employees who are not terminated, including those employees on leave.

